

Early education errors

Early education errors

Not allowed to break the number of fingers

Some parents, when teaching the number of babies, saw them breaking their fingers, they would be asked to let go of their hands and ask to keep in mind that it is a bad habit to break the finger count and affect their intelligence development. Psychologists say that this method of teaching your baby's numbers is not scientific.

The right way: when the number may wish to let them count fingers, clothes, toys, etc., so that they start from the specific things.

Kunshan early childhood education


Sometimes, the careful care of parents but will "hurt" the baby.

Correct approach: Parents should let go, let your baby pack their own toys, eat their own, fall baby let yourself up, so as to make the baby more happy and more sense of accomplishment. To take the right science early education methods, parents will be able to make children grow faster and better, to avoid taking some detours.

Early education is equivalent to learning

Children within 1 year old learn to recognize words, 3 years old to learn foreign languages. Literacy, poetry will only be a simple memory imitation, does not represent the child's real intelligence and ability. Children aged 0 to 3 are in the critical period of emotional development and language development. Therefore, the focus of early childhood education is to grasp the sequence and laws of physical and mental development of seven young children, such as language, intelligence, physical fitness and senses. Encouraging learning and creating happiness Environment, to develop its own potential. Entertainment classes that develop physical, imaginative, social skills; Music lessons that help memorize and improve my language skills; Art classes that improve imagination and physical fitness are better for children at this stage than mere learning and mechanical memory. Kunshan early childhood education

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